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Bactericidal effect and antibacterial ability of nano magnesium oxide

Purpose: Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. studies the bactericidal effect and antibacterial ability of nano-magnesium oxide.

Method: Different amounts of magnesium oxide were dispersed on the bacteria-contaminated bacterial tablet carrier and left for different times, and the killing rate was calculated to evaluate the bactericidal ability of magnesium oxide; different amounts of magnesium oxide mixed bacterial liquid were placed in a shaker and oscillated for different times. , calculate its antibacterial rate to evaluate the antibacterial ability of magnesium oxide.

magnesium oxide


① Nano magnesium oxide can effectively kill Escherichia coli and also has a significant killing effect on Bacillus subtilis black variant spores;

②Nano magnesium oxide has a good antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis var. black spores;

③The abrasiveness, alkalinity, oxidation and electrostatic adsorption of nano-oxide to microorganisms make it bacteriostatic and bactericidal.

Conclusion: Nano magnesium oxide has strong bactericidal effect and antibacterial ability.

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