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High-end oriented silicon steel special magnesium oxide products

Recently, magnesium oxide for silicon steel developed and produced by Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. has been successfully applied to ultra-thin specifications, high-grade low-temperature oriented silicon steel, and its comprehensive indicators are better than foreign products. This also indicates that China has cracked the “stuck neck” technology, broken the foreign monopoly, and achieved a major breakthrough in the preparation technology of domestic magnesium oxide.

The role of magnesium oxide in the field of medicine and common sense

Magnesium oxide is a key raw material in oriented silicon steel coating. It mainly acts as an isolation agent to prevent the strip from sticking during the high-temperature annealing stage. At the same time, it will react with silicon dioxide on the surface of silicon steel to form an excellent magnesium silicate insulation bottom layer. The industrialization of oriented silicon steel products depends to a large extent on the breakthrough of the bottom layer formation technology. Among them, the role of magnesium oxide is crucial, which determines the product quality, yield rate and cost competitiveness. The bottom layer of thin-sized high-grade low-temperature oriented silicon steel is the most difficult to form, and the requirements for magnesium oxide are also the highest.

However, the magnesium oxide required by major domestic steel companies for thin-sized high-grade low-temperature oriented silicon steel has long relied on imports, which is not only expensive but also the stability of key indicators cannot be effectively solved. Magnesium oxide has thus become the only problem that has not been properly solved in the production of thin-sized high-grade low-temperature oriented silicon steel by major steel companies.

To solve the “bottleneck” technology, we must rely on ourselves. As early as 2019, Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. began to explore solutions to the problem of domestic substitution of magnesium oxide. After years of technical accumulation, it listed the preparation technology of magnesium oxide for thin-gauge low-temperature oriented silicon steel as a company-level scientific research project, established a project promotion group, and Feng Wenjie, general manager of Messi Biological, personally served as the person in charge of the research and development of high-end magnesium oxide. Hard work pays off, and successfully developed and produced high-end oriented silicon steel special magnesium oxide products comparable to imported manufacturers, successfully breaking the foreign monopoly and establishing a new glorious image for domestic magnesium oxide companies.

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