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The magnesium oxide industry must rely on innovation to get out of the trough

For the magnesium oxide industry, it is currently in a difficult transformation period. The industry has experienced continuous baptism since the epidemic environmental protection, and the safety production policy has been further strengthened. After several sharp fluctuations in recent years, the market has been hovering at a low level. Faced with the severe situation, Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. pointed out that the magnesium oxide industry must rely on innovation to do a good job of “multiplication” to drive enterprises out of the trough. To do a good job of innovation-driven, magnesium oxide companies should pay attention to the following three aspects:

First, do a good job of innovation in downstream product development. Magnesium oxide companies should comply with the new requirements of the current industrial policy, accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading, and while eliminating backward equipment, increase the research and development of downstream products, and develop in the direction of diversification, differentiation, and refinement. Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. has accelerated the pace of innovation and developed pharmaceutical and food grade, high-purity nano-grade magnesium oxide products to effectively increase the added value of magnesium oxide products. While meeting domestic market demand, enter the international market.

magnesium oxide

Second, innovate in the formation of a characteristic industrial chain. With the expansion of magnesium oxide, many companies have done a lot of work in magnesium oxide projects, but due to the lack of special products and technologies, the bulk products are similar, and special products and special projects are scarce. New projects can only squeeze with other companies. The magnesium oxide industry should upgrade its grade as soon as possible and advance into high-end chemicals, new chemical materials, biochemical and other fields. Companies in the industry should learn from the practices of Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd., strengthen independent technological innovation capabilities, highlight product characteristics and advantages, and form emerging industries as soon as possible so that companies can have sustainable economic growth points.

Third, we must innovate in reducing costs. With the rapid development of the industry, the original scale has gradually expanded, and there are more and more new devices, new companies, and new products. Therefore, whether it is an old company with a high level of management or a new company without mature experience, there is a problem of further strengthening management. Enterprises should further optimize fine operations from the aspects of production processes and technical indicators, improve quality and reduce consumption; and further reduce procurement costs and sales expenses from the aspects of purchase and sales. In addition, learning from the e-commerce sales model implemented by Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd., reducing costs is also a good measure to ensure the development of enterprises.

In short, facing the new normal, the magnesium oxide industry can only get rid of the current predicament of overcapacity and product “dwarfing” and move towards a path of healthy development by playing the innovation card and doing multiplication.

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