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Application and Research of Hydromagnesite Flame Retardant

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that hydromagnesite is a newly developed high-magnesium ore, which can be used as a flame-retardant filler. Hydromagnesite is a natural basic magnesium carbonate. The ore has high magnesium content, white quality and low impurity content. It is a high-quality magnesium-containing non-metallic mineral material and a high-quality raw material for the manufacture of magnesium materials. It has a wide range of uses . Hydromagnesite loses all crystal water at 340°C, and at the same time, magnesium hydroxide begins to decompose to produce structural water. At 477°C, all structural water is removed, and magnesium carbonate begins to decompose. When the temperature rises to 727°C, magnesium carbonate is completely decomposed to obtain magnesium oxide. This decomposition state corresponds to the combustion of polymer materials, so hydromagnesite can be used as a flame retardant for polymer materials.

Hydromagnesite is a natural basic magnesium carbonate, and its molecular structure is usually 3MgCO3・Mg(OH)2・3H2O). This ore contains high magnesium content, white quality and low impurity content. Metal ore materials are high-quality raw materials for the manufacture of magnesia materials and have a wide range of uses. Hydromagnesite loses all crystal water at 340°C, and at the same time, magnesium hydroxide begins to decompose to produce structural water. At 477°C, all structural water is removed, and magnesium carbonate begins to decompose. When the temperature rises to 727°C, magnesium carbonate is completely decomposed to obtain magnesium oxide. This decomposition state corresponds to the combustion of polymer materials, so hydromagnesite can be used as a flame retardant for polymer materials. my country’s magnesite reserves account for about 1/4 of the world’s total reserves, ranking first in the world, but they are mostly developed as low-end products and are not well utilized.

Application and Research of Hydromagnesite Flame Retardant

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