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Magnesium Carbonate

Magnesium Carbonate Heavy Powder

The magnesium carbonate industry should accelerate the supply-side structural reform

Overcapacity has led to polarization of enterprises. Magnesium carbonate products have serious overcapacity, unreasonable product structure, and low resource allocation efficiency. To this end, Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that the magnesium carbonate industry should accelerate the supply-side structural reform and eliminate backward production capacity. At present, magnesium carbonate enterprises should focus on revitalizing […]

The magnesium carbonate industry should accelerate the supply-side structural reform Read More »

food grade magnesium carbonate

Application of modified magnesium carbonate in polypropylene

From the perspective of filling mineral powder fillers to reinforce polypropylene, ultrafine (micro-nano) magnesium carbonate trihydrate, basic magnesium carbonate, anhydrous magnesium carbonate and other magnesium carbonate powders have the characteristics of light weight, low density and high thermal stability. , flame retardant and smoke suppression, non-toxic and non-polluting, wide sources of preparation raw materials, low

Application of modified magnesium carbonate in polypropylene Read More »

magnesium oxide

Application of magnesium carbonate in water purification

1. Adsorption:  Physical adsorption: The micropores and pore structures on the surface of magnesium carbonate particles provide a large number of adsorption sites, allowing them to physically adsorb organic substances, heavy metal ions, impurity particles, etc. in water. These micropores and pore structures have large specific surface areas, which increase the effectiveness and capacity of

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magnesium carbonate

Application of magnesium carbonate in water purification

1. Adsorption:  Physical adsorption: The micropores and pore structures on the surface of magnesium carbonate particles provide a large number of adsorption sites, allowing them to physically adsorb organic substances, heavy metal ions, impurity particles, etc. in water. These micropores and pore structures have large specific surface areas, which increase the effectiveness and capacity of

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The potential of magnesium carbonate in soil pollution remediation

The potential of magnesium carbonate in soil pollution remediation

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate, as a soil remediation agent, has a variety of potential applications to improve the quality of contaminated soil and reduce the harm of pollutants. Here are some of the main potentials of magnesium carbonate in soil pollution remediation: 1. Neutralizing acidic soil: Magnesium carbonate can be

The potential of magnesium carbonate in soil pollution remediation Read More »

magnesium carbonate can also help calcium tablets be decomposed and absorbed faster in gastric acid

Application of magnesium carbonate in calcium tablets

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate is usually used as an anti-caking agent in calcium tablets. It can disperse and prevent the aggregation of ingredients in calcium tablets. Magnesium carbonate has low solubility in water, so during the production process of calcium tablets, it can be added to calcium tablets as an

Application of magnesium carbonate in calcium tablets Read More »

Magnesium Oxide Heavy Powder

Detection steps and application of titration method for heavy magnesium oxide

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that accurately weigh 0.5g of magnesium oxide sample, accurately add 30mL of sulfuric acid titrant (0.5mol/L) to dissolve, add 1 drop of methyl orange indicator solution, and use sodium hydroxide titrant (1mol/L) to dissolve it. L) titration, subtract the amount of sulfuric acid mixed with calcium oxide from the

Detection steps and application of titration method for heavy magnesium oxide Read More »

magnesium carbonate has oil control and cleansing effects

The efficacy of magnesium carbonate in cosmetics

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate has good oil absorption and can absorb and control oil secretion on the skin surface to keep the skin fresh. Therefore, magnesium carbonate is often added to products such as oil-control lotions, creams, and foundations. Magnesium carbonate has a sedative effect and can relieve skin allergies,

The efficacy of magnesium carbonate in cosmetics Read More »

Magnesium Carbonate Light Powder

Study on the Modification of Magnesium Carbonate by Stearic Acid

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that it used stearic acid to modify magnesium carbonate, studied the effects of the amount of stearic acid, reaction temperature, and reaction time on the modification effect, and finally determined the best modification conditions. The sedimentation volume, oil absorption value and activation degree of modified magnesium carbonate were measured

Study on the Modification of Magnesium Carbonate by Stearic Acid Read More »

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