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Magnesium Carbonate

Application of magnesium carbonate in ink

Application of magnesium carbonate in ink

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate is a white solid powder with good chemical stability, thermal stability and wear resistance, and is a commonly used filler. Its chemical formula is MgCO3 and its relative molecular mass is 84.31. In the air, magnesium carbonate has good stability and is not easy to decompose. […]

Application of magnesium carbonate in ink Read More »

magnesium carbonate can also help calcium tablets be decomposed and absorbed faster in gastric acid

Application of magnesium carbonate in calcium tablets

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate is usually used as an anti-caking agent in calcium tablets. It can disperse and prevent the aggregation of ingredients in calcium tablets. Magnesium carbonate has low solubility in water, so during the production process of calcium tablets, it can be added to calcium tablets as an

Application of magnesium carbonate in calcium tablets Read More »

Magnesium Oxide Heavy Powder

Detection steps and application of titration method for heavy magnesium oxide

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that accurately weigh 0.5g of magnesium oxide sample, accurately add 30mL of sulfuric acid titrant (0.5mol/L) to dissolve, add 1 drop of methyl orange indicator solution, and use sodium hydroxide titrant (1mol/L) to dissolve it. L) titration, subtract the amount of sulfuric acid mixed with calcium oxide from the

Detection steps and application of titration method for heavy magnesium oxide Read More »

magnesium carbonate has oil control and cleansing effects

The efficacy of magnesium carbonate in cosmetics

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate has good oil absorption and can absorb and control oil secretion on the skin surface to keep the skin fresh. Therefore, magnesium carbonate is often added to products such as oil-control lotions, creams, and foundations. Magnesium carbonate has a sedative effect and can relieve skin allergies,

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Magnesium Carbonate Light Powder

Study on the Modification of Magnesium Carbonate by Stearic Acid

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that it used stearic acid to modify magnesium carbonate, studied the effects of the amount of stearic acid, reaction temperature, and reaction time on the modification effect, and finally determined the best modification conditions. The sedimentation volume, oil absorption value and activation degree of modified magnesium carbonate were measured

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Magnesium Carbonate Light Powder

Decomposition reaction of magnesium carbonate and its molecular composition

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that the molecular formula of light magnesium carbonate can usually be expressed as XMgCO3YMg(OH)2ZH2O, where the values ​​of X, Y and Z vary with different preparation conditions. Light magnesium carbonate has a wide range of uses in industry. It can be used as a filler and reinforcing agent for

Decomposition reaction of magnesium carbonate and its molecular composition Read More »

Overview of magnesium carbonate whiskers

Effect of stirring time on morphology and composition of magnesium carbonate

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that magnesium carbonate is a white and odorless powder, containing magnesium carbonate (MgC03), magnesium carbonate trihydrate (MgC03#3H20), magnesium carbonate pentahydrate (MgCO3#5H2O) and basic magnesium carbonate ( Mg5(C03)4(OH)2#4H20), etc., have been widely used in medicine, food, cosmetics, rubber, plastics, printing industry and other fields due to their special structural properties.

Effect of stirring time on morphology and composition of magnesium carbonate Read More »

Magnesium Carbonate Light Powder

Research on the performance of basic magnesium carbonate flame retardant LDPE/EVA

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that basic magnesium carbonate was surface modified with stearic acid and added to a mixture of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) to prepare flame-retardant composite materials. The effect of basic magnesium carbonate on the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of LDPE/EVA was studied. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Research on the performance of basic magnesium carbonate flame retardant LDPE/EVA Read More »

Magnesium Carbonate Light Powder

Research on iron removal process of magnesium carbonate products

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that this article describes the application of redox method for iron removal in the preparation of magnesium carbonate, and examines the effects of reaction time, reducing agent, oxidizing agent, and complexing agent on the iron removal effect. Experiments show that under optimal reaction conditions, the iron content drops to

Research on iron removal process of magnesium carbonate products Read More »


Adsorption and precipitation of lead by magnesium carbonate

Hebei Messi Biology Co., Ltd. stated that carbonate rock is a widely distributed rock type on the earth. Its weathered products will enter the soil and sediments in the area and become the main component thereof. In the carbonate mineral-heavy metal-water solid-liquid system, carbonate minerals can interact with metal ions such as Cu, Pb, Zn,

Adsorption and precipitation of lead by magnesium carbonate Read More »

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