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Matters needing attention in transportation and storage of magnesium oxide

Messi Biology stated that magnesium oxide mainly includes industrial grade, pharmaceutical grade, food grade, etc. The main difference is that the content of various indicators is different, the purity of industrial grade is low, and the purity of pharmaceutical and food grade is higher. Generally, it is powdery or granular; the requirements for the content of metal impurities such as iron and manganese are very strict.

Matters needing attention in transportation and storage of magnesium oxide

Precautions for magnesium oxide in transportation:

First, the packaging of magnesium oxide should be complete before shipment, and the loading should be safe.

Second, during the transportation of magnesium oxide, it is necessary to ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall or be damaged.

Third, it is strictly forbidden to mix and transport magnesium oxide with other chemicals.

Fourth, during transportation, magnesium oxide should be protected from exposure to sunlight, rain, and high temperature.

Fifth, after the vehicle is transported, the magnesium oxide residue should be thoroughly cleaned.

Matters needing attention in transportation and storage of magnesium oxide 2

Magnesium oxide has many precautions when storing. To keep magnesium oxide first, when not in use, store the container in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Containers are kept away from incompatible chemicals. Warnings and “No Smoking” signs should be posted in storage and use areas. Use corrosion-resistant construction materials, lighting, and ventilation systems in the storage area.

Messi Biology said that when storing magnesium oxide, you need to pay attention to the above matters. In actual operation, you must strictly abide by various regulations, take protective measures, and pay attention to safety, so as to preserve the product and reduce its deterioration.

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